What We Do

Charting Resilience, Building Confidence:

Your Partner in Construction Reporting And Assessment Insights.

We provide best engineering reporting source which enhances the chances of project’s approval

As dedicated facilitators, we specialised in streamlining the process of compiling comprehensive engineering reports to support your project’s approval from local authorities in the UK. Our expertise lies in navigating the intricate requirements for planning and compliance, ensuring that all essential conditions are met for a successful project outcome. We understand the significance of each component in gaining approval, and we work closely with you to address specific conditions that need to be removed, fostering a smooth and efficient approval process. Trust us to guide you through the intricacies of local regulations and facilitate the creation of thorough engineering reports that meet the standards set by UK authorities.

Our facilitation services extend to cover a range of crucial elements, including:

  • From Fire Assessments To Parking Considerations
  • Waste Management Strategy
  • Noise Assessment
  • Travel Plan
  • Security Design & Management Plan
  • Crime Impact Report
  • Drainage Report

Planning Conditions

We provide assistance with Planning conditions, which are imposed by local planning authorities when they grant permission for development projects. These conditions outline specific requirements or limitations for those involved in the development to ensure compliance.

While it’s feasible to request changes to planning conditions or appeal against them, it’s advantageous to review the wording with the planning officer beforehand. This ensures that the conditions are appropriate and achievable. Thoughtful discussions can significantly reduce bureaucratic obstacles in meeting planning conditions, leading to earlier commencement of construction.

Legal Agreements related to Planning, such as Section 106 Agreements, Planning Gain, and Unilateral Undertakings, are becoming increasingly common, particularly with larger planning approvals. As experienced planning consultants with strong connections to many local planning authorities, we have the expertise to find the right resources to facilitate these agreements, easing cost burdens or negotiating more favorable terms. Early negotiations contribute to achieving successful outcomes.

When employed effectively, conditions can improve the quality of development and allow projects to proceed where refusal of planning permission would otherwise be necessary by mitigating adverse effects. The objectives of planning are best fulfilled when conditions are applied in a fair, reasonable, and practical manner. It’s essential to tailor conditions to address specific issues rather than relying on standardised or overly broad controls.

Discharge of Condition

We can assist you with fulfilling the requirements attached to planning permissions, particularly those that necessitate additional details for approval by the council at specific stages of the development process. This procedure, known as ‘discharge of conditions’, involves submitting and gaining approval for further details as outlined by the council. An example of such a condition might involve finalising specifics like bin and cycle storage arrangements before commencing development.

Once your planning permission is granted, the decision notice will outline any conditions that must be met before development can proceed. Our consultants can aid you in understanding these conditions and in preparing the necessary details for submission. It’s crucial to address these conditions before starting any work to avoid potential enforcement actions and to maintain the validity of your permission.

To obtain approval (discharge) of conditions, you’ll need to provide information related to the specific condition and your proposed methods for meeting it. You may seek approval for all or part of a condition, which could involve demonstrating the materials to be used or the planned style of work. The requirements for approval will vary depending on the conditions imposed during the planning process and those you wish to have discharged.

Different authorities may have ‘local information requirements’ specifying particular information or supporting documents (such as plans or photographs) to accompany your application. These requirements are typically accessible on the authority’s website or can be confirmed by contacting them directly.

Development Supporting Information

In the realm of urban development, planning obligations play a pivotal role in ensuring that proposed projects contribute positively to the community and surrounding environment. Development supporting Information is a comprehensive documentation that outlines the specifics of these obligations. It serves as a guide for developers and local authorities, fostering a transparent and collaborative approach to urban growth.

It serves as a guide for developers and local authorities, fostering a transparent and collaborative approach to urban growth. The document typically includes detailed information on infrastructure requirements, public amenities, and environmental considerations, outlining the commitments that developers must fulfil as part of their planning permission

Why Have A Report?

Construction Reports and Assessments are essential for ensuring that construction projects in the UK comply with regulations, minimise environmental impact, prioritise public safety, and contribute positively to urban development. They serve as a comprehensive tool for local authorities and compliance bodies to make informed decisions and manage the impact of construction activities on the community and the environment.

Local authorities review these reports to make informed decisions about granting permission based on the project’s impact on the local area and its compliance with regulations.

Contaminated Land Report

This report is crucial for assessing potential risks to human health and the environment.

Noise Impact Assessment

A Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) is a comprehensive study that evaluates the potential impact of noise on the environment.

Air Quality Assessment

Air quality assessment involves evaluating the concentration of various pollutants present in the air to determine its overall quality.

Flood Impact Assessment

Flood impact assessment is a crucial process that involves evaluating the effects of flooding on various aspects of protecting environment.

Sustainability Appraisal

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is a systematic process used to assess the social, economic, and environmental effects of a plan, program, or policy.

Structural Survey Report

This type of survey is typically conducted by a qualified and experienced structural engineer or surveyor.

Ventilation/Extraction Statement

Effective ventilation and extraction systems play a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality and promoting a healthy and safe environment.

Planning Obligations

These agreements are used to mitigate the impact of a development on the local community and infrastructure.

Whats happens once you have secured Planning Permission?

What is a contaminated land survey or report?

Once you’ve secured your planning permission, you’ll potentially have conditions to discharge. We can assist in providing follow on assessments and actual works, such as Archaeology and Historic building recording, to discharge those conditions. During construction Building Regulations require certain assessments in order to ensure compliance, for example Sound Insulation & Air Tightness Testing and SAP calculations are needed on certain forms of development.

A Contamination Report, also known as a Contaminated Land Report (CLR) or Contaminated Land Survey, provides advice to landowners and developers as to whether there is, or is likely to be, any contamination on a site where development is proposed. Contamination can occur naturally, accumulate over time or be present due to a single event. Most sites will have some contamination but, in most cases, the levels will not pose a risk. The purpose of the Contamination Report is to identify what contaminants are present and, given the proposed use for the site, whether they pose a risk to human health or the environment. We want you to start on your project, so promote the best chances of development through our contamination surveys.