Blog Articles

  • What are planning conditions?

    Planning conditions are added when local planning authorities grant planning permission for development. They add constraints, requiring that certain things are done or not done by the person implementing the development, to make it Where an application is made to a local planning authority for planning permission, the local planning authority may grant planning permission…

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  • What are planning Reports?

    A Planning Report delivers planning permission data from the last 10 years’ worth of information stored at the Local Authority about your property, your neighbours, and commercial developments in the local area. 1- Planning Reports. The first task to be completed before starting a report is to determine what needs to be addressed. 2- Introduction…

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  • How do you discharge planning conditions?

    Applications to apply for the discharge of planning conditions should be made on the relevant application form. There is a fee payable for the discharge of planning conditions. If you have more than one condition that requires discharging, then you can apply to clear more than one within the same application. The fee is payable…

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  • Fee to discharge planning conditions?

    The fee to submit a discharge of planning condition application is: For detail of fees, follow the link. You can submit information relating to multiple conditions on one discharge of condition application.

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  • What happens if the Council doesn’t Discharge my Conditions?

    A Council can refuse to discharge planning conditions if they consider that the details provided are not sufficient. Work with your Local Planning Authority to find a solution is our advice.

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  • Conditions about how you can change the building.

    This is one of the types of condition that the government is trying to discourage. There is normally a range of permitted development rights homeowners can use to make changes to their homes without needing planning permission.

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  • List of common planning conditions

    We have put the conditions for you in our website together. This is just a sample, but if you read through, you’ll have a better idea of the issues that matter to councils as well as the level of detail and expert involvement that can be needed to discharge conditions. You can only submit this…

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  • Can I appeal against planning conditions?

    Yes, but you must do it within 12 weeks (if you are appealing as a householder) or six months of your original planning permission approval. Your appeal goes to the Planning Inspectorate, and you need to be able to argue that the condition or conditions are unfair, unreasonable, or unlawful. But the appeal process can…

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  • What if conditions are not discharged?

    It is the responsibility of the applicant, or any subsequent developer, to ensure that the requirements of all conditions are met in full. Any conditions that need to be discharged should be discharged at the relevant time. But the appeal process can take up to six months, and you can’t start building work during that…

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  • How long is the Discharge of Planning Conditions Process?

    The Local Planning Authority have 8 weeks in which to discharge planning conditions, even with simple ones, don’t expect your application to be speed through the system. Councils are struggling with resources and even the simplest application are being delayed. So give yourself plenty of time.

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