Blog Articles
More than one condition to discharge, will I have to pay a fee for each condition?
No, a fee is charged for each “request”. Therefore, if you apply for discharge of all conditions at once, you will only be charged one fee. However, if you send in details for each condition separately, these will be counted as separate “requests” and you will have to pay further fees.
What can Happen if condition is not charge?
If you fail to discharge planning conditions, it could make your permission invalid. You could have to apply for planning permission again, with no guarantee of acceptance. Or you could end up with action against you, including but not limited to prosecution.
What is the 10 year rule for planning conditions?
Section 171B states that “any other breach of planning control” is subject to a 10-year enforcement period. So, if you’re trying to regularize a non-residential building, or deal with a planning condition that has not been complied with, you’ll have to prove 10 continuous years of the relevant use. Use of planning conditions – GOV.UK…